Marriage Information
McClure celebrates marriage ceremonies for all people, regardless of ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, economic status, previous marital status, ability and any other situations that might be subject to discrimination. Persons desiring to marry do not have to be a member of McClure United Church or of the United Church of Canada, but the ceremony must be consistent with United Church practices.
In the United Church of Canada, marriage is not considered a sacrament; however, a wedding conducted by a minister of McClure United Church is two things: a legal ceremony and an act of worship. A sense of God’s presence is prayed for, and a blessing is asked for the couple being married.
The minister shall meet with the participants. Should the minister believe impediments to the proposed marriage are presented, the minister, with the advice/approval of the Worship Committee/Board, shall be in a position to abstain from conducting the marriage.
Information regarding the marriage service and legal requirements shall be given to the participants by the minister. Information regarding remuneration of the minister, organist, and sanctuary rental shall be given to the participants by the minister or the church office. Remunerations shall be reviewed yearly by the Worship Committee and others as appropriate.
The minister shall encourage the couple preparing for marriage to take part in a marriage preparation course off-site.
The required information regarding the persons being married shall be entered into the Marriage Register and all government documents shall be completed by the church office.
If the couple or witnesses are under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of the wedding, by law, the wedding will be cancelled.