Dedication of the 50th Anniversary Stained Glass Window On Sunday October 30, 2016, the people of McClure United Church dedicated to the glory of God their new and beautiful stained glass window; praying: God of the universe, may the light of your love shine through this window we dedicate to your glory. May all who gaze upon it sense your presence and peace. Reminded of the stories and symbols of your faithfulness, and of the beauty of your creation, may we give thanks always, and grow in faith and love. Amen. This window consists of four panels that rise to the center. Lifting our eyes as well as our hearts, they focus our thoughts upon the One who is our Center and Source. The focal symbols of these four panels are that of the dove (symbol of Peace and the Holy Spirit); the fish (an early symbol of Christ and of the Christian community that was also long ago adopted in the colour blue as a symbol for McClure Church; and at the center of the window, outlined in purple, is an equilateral triangle that symbolizes the Trinity. These three symbols are embraced within the Circle of Eternity shown in the colours of creation’s green and the heavens’ blue. An upward, arching line of red touches each panel and may call to mind those saints who have gone before us, whose lives and witness continue to bless and inspire us. Ribbons of blue and gold run through all four panels of the window. The blue ribbons symbolize the waters of our one Baptism in Christ. As well they are evocative of the waters of the South Saskatchewan River, honoured by and life-giving to the Indigenous Peoples of this land and along which our City of Saskatoon has grown. The ribbons of gold and golden brown reflect the promise and golden light of Easter Morning, as they also speak to the heart and history of prairie people accustomed to golden fields of wheat that yield Bread for the Journey. As a whole, this window includes all of the colours and marks each of the season of the Church Year.
This stained glass window was purchased through the generous donations of many to McClure United Church’s Memorial Fund. Total cost for design, manufacturing and installation of this four paneled window located above the sound booth and visible over the front entrance of McClure Church from Taylor St. was $14,000. Working with the artist Lee Brady of Glass Eye Studio, Saskatoon, was a creative group of McClure people that included Shirley Blackburn, Claire Bullaro, Celeste Delahey, Elaine Nutbrown and Ron McConnell.
Deepest thanks go to those whose memorial gifts have made possible the purchase of this 50th anniversary stained glass window. It is with grateful hearts that we remember all those loved ones and friends whose lives have been recalled and memories acknowledged by these gifts. As well, thanks go out to the artist Lee Brady, the members of the stained glass window planning group and 50th Anniversary Committee, the Church Board, those who assisted with the installation, and all who supported this special 50th anniversary project of lasting beauty that will enhance the worship of our McClure congregation for years to come.